School Cleaning

School and Educational Facility Cleaning Services

Your staff and students need an optimal learning environment in order to feel comfortable and stay focused. To achieve this, we work with you to deliver cleaner, more hygienic spaces for everyone using your facility.

We provide tailored cleaning services to educational facilities at every level of learning. You receive a comprehensive cleaning service that ensures your busiest environments are free of rubbish, safe from harmful bacteria and germs, and creates comfortable and hygienic spaces for students and families to learn in and explore.

School Cleaning Services

  • General cleaning, sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping
  • Carpet and upholstery steam cleaning, and flood extraction
  • Hygiene and washroom services, including sharps removal
  • Window cleaning
  • Pressure washing for all surfaces
  • Outbreak cleaning and decontamination management
  • Rapid response services for last-minute and emergency cleaning situations

How We Work With You

It’s easy to organise comprehensive cleaning services
for your school or educational facility.

Here’s how it works

We understand the pressures that your staff and students are under, so we provide cleaning services with minimal disruption. We track our work using a workforce management app, that you have access to as well to provide peace of mind that our services are up to scratch.

Step 1: Make Contact

Contact us to discuss your campus’ cleaning needs.

Step 2: On-site Consultation

We’ll attend your premises to provide a thorough on-site consultation to review and analyse your cleaning needs. Here we undertake a tender walkthrough, so we can use real-world examples to prepare a comprehensive scope of work.

Step 3: Scope of Works

We prepare a scope of work that details exactly how we undertake your campus cleaning. We then select those of our cleaning team with the relevant experience to deliver the right results for your educational spaces.

Step 4: Implement & Audit

Our Customer Service Manager meets with you every four weeks to audit our services and review our progress, and ensure our standards continue to be met and you’re seeing the results you expect.

Expert Cleaning Services you can rely on